Tel: +852-2781-1195
懸紅尋找閃次最多的Broncolor Scoro電箱!- 結果出爐!
The Highest Flash Counter of Scoro Powerpack - Final Result !
感覺各位參加這次活動的客戶, 這次的活動收到了許多來自大中華市場的Scoro用戶發來的照片,一下子看到很多台兢兢業業服務了10年以上的Scoro Powerpack的閃光次數,而且收到很多的閃光次數值達到7位數,有幾個客戶更只用了4-5年,已經達到1百萬閃次,令小編也驚嘆!而第一名的閃次更出乎我們預期的高!
Thank you to everyone who join this activity! We have received many Scoro counter images from numerous Broncolor users in Hong Kong and mainland China. We are surprised that many Scoro powerpack have been used for more than 10 years with the flash counter exceeding 1 million flashes. Even those used for only 4-5 years have counters surpassing 1 million flashes. The flash counter from the first place has exceeded our initial expectation!
Congratulations to the 3 Winner !
第一名 First Place !
深圳 Shenzhen F8 Studio
閃光次數 Flash Counter:4,318,672
4.31 million Flashes
第二名 2nd Place !
廈門用戶 Xiamen Studio
閃光次數 Flash Counter:2,914,325
2.91 million Flashes
第三名 3rd Place !
GuangZhou IACC Advertising Agency
閃光次數 Flash Counter:2,289,719
2.28 million Flashes
再次感謝每位Broncolor用戶,期待Scoro Powerpack為客戶帶來下一個400萬閃次。事實證明,Broncolor 產品會是你最佳長遠投資及可信賴的器材!
如果你仍然未係Broncolor用戶或者你希望升級你現有的燈光器材,現在是最佳時機! 因為我們正正有一個以舊換新優惠,詳細可以參考以下網頁。
Thank you to all Broncolor users again! We are excited to see the Scoro power pack serve our customers for the next 4 million flashes. It turns out that Broncolor equipment is a long-term investment and a reliable production tool.
If you are not a Broncolor user yet, or if you would like to upgrade your lighting equipment, now is the best opportunity! Broncolor has just launched a trade-in promotion.
For more details, please click the following link.
Broncolor 香港總代理:
Relight Imaging Limited
Showroom & Service Center
柴灣祥利街9 號祥利工業大廈5 樓B 室
Tel: 2781-1195